March 26, 2008

Out with the old and in with the new

Well, we finally did it. We finally changed out the crappy/ugly faucet in our bathroom. I'm not sure why we waited so long to change it out. In the beginning when we were working in the bathroom we had spent so much money that we talked ourselves into liking the faucet. Years go by, 3 to be exact, and I still hate the faucet. We had the opportunity a few months ago to change the faucet but with limited funds we decided to just change out the cracked and incredibly difficult to clean scalloped pedestal sink.

I'm not sure what happened that Kev finally agreed it was time for a new faucet. And I couldn't be happier. We went with brushed nickle to compliment the light and the towel rods we used in the bathroom. I love it so much! It is a joy for me to wash my hands and brush my teeth. Sounds silly but it is true.

Photographic evidence. Photo on the top - the old faucet.

Below is the new beloved faucet

Of course, Kev had some assistants while putting in the new faucet.

Both of them had to check out what was going on. Apparently both Strider and Tumbler approve of the new faucet.

Now the next project to tackle in the bathroom is painting. We painted when we first moved in, but the wall color "Froggy Green" has waxed on Kev's nerves. So we are changing from bright bold green to a more subdued green. I was not about to give up my green bathroom. I just need to find the time to paint. Maybe this weekend.

March 24, 2008


I'm not new to blogging, per say, but I am new to this particular blog on Blogger.

Once upon a time I had a LiveJournal account. Not sure why I stopped posting there. Could have been because I have been crazy busy. Might have had something to do with just moving on. Or maybe I feel I have matured from my "LJ" days and needed something a bit more "grown up".

What ever the reason, I'm here now.

My name is Sarah. I'm 31 and I'm a student once again. I gave up a well paying job to live the life of a poor woman. Unfortunately, I've brought my wonderful husband, Kev, into this life of poverty, crazed hours, and general insanity. I graduate in December, thank goodness. But December can't come soon enough. Any longer and I'm certain I would be on the verge of a divorce.

Kev and I bought a wonderful 1928 bungalow in July of 2004. Due to our circumstances we haven't had the finances to do all the home improvement we would like to. As a result, our house is a hodge podge conglomeration of hand-me down furniture from our first time in college, goodwill and thrift store finds, and things we've accumulated over the years. Some would say there is a lack of cohesion or flow in our house. It could be that everything is hodge podge or it could be that I have what I like to call an eclectic decorating style.

Currently, it is just Kev and I and our two cats - Tumbler and Strider - in the house. Tumbler is the all black guy. He is 3 years old. Kev says Tumbler reminds him of me - intelligent, sometimes moody, wants loving on his time, loves to cuddle in winter, and cunning. Tumbler is our little ninja - he moves like the wind. He needs to have a bell on his collar otherwise we wouldn't know where he was or when he was coming. Strider is the tabby and he is 2 years old. If Tumbler's personality mimics mine, then Strider is a kitty after Kev's heart. Strider is the fun loving goofball, he is an instigator, and he talks constantly - doesn't matter if someone is listening or not. Strider refuses to wear a collar. We've tried numerous times and he feels the need to bite at it. Eventually he ends up with the collar lodged in his mouth. Not a good thing. The good thing is that Strider doesn't need a collar or a bell for us to know where he is - he runs/walks so loudly we always know where he is located in the house. Be forewarned, I'm a slightly neurotic pet owner.

We are thinking of adding a dog to the mix, but we feel we need to wait until I am done with school. By then I should have a more stable schedule and we would actually be able to spend some time doing things like housetraining.

Sometimes I think I am crazy for going back to school. Other times I know I am crazy but I did it because I wasn't happy with my previous job and as a result of my unhappiness, my marriage and relationship with Kev was suffering. Come December, I know all this hard work, sweat, tears, and frustration will be all worth it.

This blog will offer me a chance to rant, rave, and let me pertend that I actually have something important to say from time to time.

Drop me a line if you so feel inclined. I love comments and suggestions!
Okay, I'm done pimping myself out.