March 24, 2008


I'm not new to blogging, per say, but I am new to this particular blog on Blogger.

Once upon a time I had a LiveJournal account. Not sure why I stopped posting there. Could have been because I have been crazy busy. Might have had something to do with just moving on. Or maybe I feel I have matured from my "LJ" days and needed something a bit more "grown up".

What ever the reason, I'm here now.

My name is Sarah. I'm 31 and I'm a student once again. I gave up a well paying job to live the life of a poor woman. Unfortunately, I've brought my wonderful husband, Kev, into this life of poverty, crazed hours, and general insanity. I graduate in December, thank goodness. But December can't come soon enough. Any longer and I'm certain I would be on the verge of a divorce.

Kev and I bought a wonderful 1928 bungalow in July of 2004. Due to our circumstances we haven't had the finances to do all the home improvement we would like to. As a result, our house is a hodge podge conglomeration of hand-me down furniture from our first time in college, goodwill and thrift store finds, and things we've accumulated over the years. Some would say there is a lack of cohesion or flow in our house. It could be that everything is hodge podge or it could be that I have what I like to call an eclectic decorating style.

Currently, it is just Kev and I and our two cats - Tumbler and Strider - in the house. Tumbler is the all black guy. He is 3 years old. Kev says Tumbler reminds him of me - intelligent, sometimes moody, wants loving on his time, loves to cuddle in winter, and cunning. Tumbler is our little ninja - he moves like the wind. He needs to have a bell on his collar otherwise we wouldn't know where he was or when he was coming. Strider is the tabby and he is 2 years old. If Tumbler's personality mimics mine, then Strider is a kitty after Kev's heart. Strider is the fun loving goofball, he is an instigator, and he talks constantly - doesn't matter if someone is listening or not. Strider refuses to wear a collar. We've tried numerous times and he feels the need to bite at it. Eventually he ends up with the collar lodged in his mouth. Not a good thing. The good thing is that Strider doesn't need a collar or a bell for us to know where he is - he runs/walks so loudly we always know where he is located in the house. Be forewarned, I'm a slightly neurotic pet owner.

We are thinking of adding a dog to the mix, but we feel we need to wait until I am done with school. By then I should have a more stable schedule and we would actually be able to spend some time doing things like housetraining.

Sometimes I think I am crazy for going back to school. Other times I know I am crazy but I did it because I wasn't happy with my previous job and as a result of my unhappiness, my marriage and relationship with Kev was suffering. Come December, I know all this hard work, sweat, tears, and frustration will be all worth it.

This blog will offer me a chance to rant, rave, and let me pertend that I actually have something important to say from time to time.

Drop me a line if you so feel inclined. I love comments and suggestions!
Okay, I'm done pimping myself out.

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